Spring is here! Are you eager to throw off your winter duds and free your feet from heavy shoes? A visit to Collingwood Arboretum’s paths and trails would be a great activity to welcome spring. If you are ready for the warm sun to reach your tootsies as well as your face and to wiggle your toes in the fresh air, come on out. If you have diabetes, though, don’t be so quick to reach in your closet for those bauble-trimmed flip flops or rush out to the department store for a pair of FitFlops. Diabetic sandals may be a better choice to give your lower limbs some air while still protecting them.
Diabetic feet need special care to stay healthy and head off complications like poor circulation and peripheral neuropathy. You know how hard it is to keep your sugar level steady. You may not know that sugar swings—from high to low and back again—do a number on your nerves and blood vessels. If your nerves are damaged or if your blood flow isn’t what it should be, you may not be able to feel harm when it occurs and it will take longer for any sores to heal.
That’s why it is so important to protect your feet. You may not notice a scrape or cut or feel a sharp object or rough surface when you walk on it. If you aren’t aware of the problem, you won’t treat it, which will make it worse. Flip flops can’t protect your feet from sharp objects and don’t have proper support to keep them stable on uneven surfaces.
There are many attractive, comfortable, supportive diabetic sandals that will let your feet breathe but still offer protection. If you need help with foot care or choosing proper shoes, call Abbott Foot & Ankle Clinic in Collingwood at (705) 444-9929. Caring for diabetic feet is one of our specialties, and we do it right. Our goal is your safe and healthy feet!
Photo Credit: olovedog via FreeDigitalPhotos.net