Speed up healing and recovery with non-invasive MLS Laser Therapy.
Pain is the body’s way of warning us that something is amiss, and in addition to pain, we also might experience soreness and/or swelling in the affected area. When we experience these symptoms, many of us reach for something in the medicine cabinet, especially when we have experienced an injury of some sort. What if there were a better method of dealing with your pain while your body heals? Here at Abbott Foot & Ankle Clinic, we love to help our patients enjoy a better way of accelerated healing with MLS laser therapy.
MLS laser therapy stands for Multiwave Locked System therapy. The combination of different wavelengths of lasers has been proven to be beneficial to the healing process. Patients who try our MLS laser are able to look forward to things like a faster recovery time from their injury, less swelling, a reduction in pain and tenderness, improved circulation and even faster tissue growth and recovery. This newer technology allows for many people to enjoy faster healing times and get back to the things they enjoy most in The Blue Mountains, Ontario area.
Here at Abbott Foot & Ankle Clinic, we want to make sure our patients are able to get access to all the best options for their healing, including seemingly futuristic ones like MLS laser therapy. If you have questions about this type of therapy, would like to know if you are a good candidate or just have questions about our other services, please give us a call today to learn more.
At Abbott Foot & Ankle Clinic, we offer MLS laser therapy to residents of Collingwood, Wasaga Beach, Owen Sound, Stayner, Meaford, Thornbury, Creemore, The Blue Mountains, and surrounding areas in Ontario.