Home > Blog > Avoid Dehydration While Running This Summer!

milton triathlon runCollingwood’s average summer temperature of 25 degrees Celsius changes the environment and the strategy of a runner. In order to reduce the likelihood of dehydration, athletes should take steps to protect themselves and their performance.  

Whether you’re running a section of the Georgian Trail, or just around the neighbourhood, drinking water before you run is vital.  While some people wait to “pre-hydrate” right before they begin, the optimal time to increase fluids is between one and two hours prior to your workout.  Interestingly, multiple studies have shown that athletes who drank cold drinks ran longer.  

Even if you drink before you begin, you should continue to hydrate during your run.  Use your watch alarm or landmarks to remind you to replenish in set intervals, so that you don’t forget.  Small sips are best.  Don’t forget to fill up your water bottle and continue with water after you’re done with your route.  

Dehydration isn’t just about the liquids that you consume—loss of liquids is the other part of the equation.  Simply dressing appropriately for the weather will decrease your risks.  Wearing ventilated clothing that is light will help to keep you cool.  Running early in the day or late in the evening is always best.  

Knowing the symptoms of dehydration will help to keep you safe this summer.  Dizziness, nausea, and chills are just a few signs that you should stop running, get out of the heat, and replenish fluids.  Ignoring your body’s warning signals can lead to potentially fatal heatstroke.  

Summer running is a great workout, but it can also be dangerous.  Take precautions and listen to your body.   If foot pain has you missing out on your favorite routes, call Abbott Foot & Ankle Clinic at (705) 444-9929, or schedule online.