Does the thought of finding alternative foot pain treatments rather than having surgery appeal to you? If you typically look for non-invasive ways to deal with health problems, the Health & Wellness Expo for Alternative Medicine may have some answers for you. Come on out to the Collingwood Leisure Time Club on April 12 from 10 AM to 3 PM and explore your options.
Most of us want to avoid surgery at all costs. The risks and recovery time make it an unattractive prospect, but there are other options. At Abbott Foot & Ankle Clinic we offer many types of conservative treatments for foot problems. We use manual foot therapy to address knotted muscles and trigger points that cause achiness and cramps in your feet. Physiotherapy involves manipulating your feet and ankles, or prescribing stretches and exercises, to help you recover from foot problems and keep your feet flexible and strong. Whether you have ingrown toenails, heel pain, bunions, or hammertoes, non-surgical treatments can bring pain relief and give you a stronger foundation.
Chiropodist Tony Abbott knows feet, and we have the expertise and state-of-the-art technology to address any foot condition. Don’t put up with chronic foot pain. Give Abbott Foot & Ankle Clinic a call at (705) 444-9929 and see how we can help you.
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