Home > Blog > Shri Fest for Yoga: Good for the Soul, Good for the Toe

Yoga Foot StretchYoga: A stretching and strengthening discipline that works the whole body. Those who love it swear to its benefits for both the mind and physical body. The art encourages calmness and balance, all while building up and stretching out your muscles. This November 1st-3rd, yoga enthusiasts can enjoy Shri Fest, a conference for the new and experienced alike. It will be hosted at the Westin Trillium House in Blue Mountain outside of Collingwood. For anyone struggling with foot pain, this could be a good place to learn more about yoga and what it can do to help your feet.

Shri Fest is sure to be a good resource for anyone who already loves yoga, and for those who are interested in finding out more. The conference will have classes taught by a wide variety of licensed and experienced instructors, along with music, art, and vendors of all kinds. You will have a chance to learn about yoga, and practice it alongside others who enjoy this form of exercise. If you’re looking into yoga for your feet, this could be a great opportunity.

Some foot conditions, like plantar fasciitis, can be helped by stretching and strengthening the muscles in your feet and ankles. Certain yoga positions work the toes, building up those hard-to-reach muscles along the soles and arches of your feet. Other movements work the Achilles tendon, which is responsible for pushing your foot off the ground during movement. As the muscles and connective tissues get stronger, they are better conditioned to handle the stress and impact of your other daily activities.

Foot pain can occur, even during the relaxing positions of yoga. Don’t just ignore the discomfort and go back to your downward facing dog stretches. Have your feet examined by expert Chiropodist Tony Abbott to deal with any conditions and make sure your stretches are helping and not harming your feet. For an appointment or more information, contact Abbott Foot & Ankle Clinic in Collingwood, Ontario, by visiting the online contact page or by calling 705-444-9929.

Photo Credit: JessLef via Pixabay.com