If you enjoy trail running, you have probably dusted off your shoes and ventured outside this summer. Ontario boasts trails of all levels, and it’s easy to find one that is right for you with available online resources. Before you set out on a trail run , keep these considerations in mind.
Take some time to train. If you live in town, you may wonder how to do this. Look for opportunities to work on your footing by finding brick paths, or curb jumping. Anything that will give you the chance to run on terrain that is a bit uneven will be helpful.
When you get out on the trail, don’t time yourself. Trail conditions will dictate how fast you can go, so set your mind accordingly. If time motivates you, track how long it takes you to do a particular trail, but even then be aware that your time will vary depending on the weather and other factors.
Sometimes “walk don’t run” will be the rule. Some steep and rocky trails will require walking, and that’s OK. If you’ve been in a running mindset, this may be a switch. Even though running down a steep hill can be fun, it can also be dangerous. Use good judgment, and don’t forget to make room on the trail for others that you meet along the way.
Part of being stable on the trail is wearing the right shoes. Trail shoes offer the needed stability for this type of exercise. Socks are also important in helping keep debris away from your feet. Wear socks that have a little height to avoid stones and dirt getting inside.
Trail running is a great way to get out, get fit, and enjoy the beauty of our area. If foot pain is keeping you off the trail, call Chiropodist Tony Abbott for a complete evaluation at Abbott Foot and Ankle Clinic. Call today at (705) 444-9929, or visit our website to schedule an appointment.
Photo Credit: mapichai via freedigitalphotos.net